[Translate to englisch:]
by Immerheiser Family
Our Landgasthof Engel is open daily at usually open hours.
The "old Weinkeller" is unfortunately still closed, we let you know as soon as it is will be open.
More Information about Corona and the 3G-Rules ⇒

Zum alten Weinkeller
Unter dem Motto VINUM ~ DIE NEUE KÜCHE ZUM WEIN legen wir allergrößten Wert auf hausgemachte Produkte mit frischen Zutaten und einer leichten und schonenden Zubereitung.

Experience our rustic regional cuisine in the oldest house of Schwabenheim. Lovingly restored with original building materials such as clay and wood for a unique ambience.

We have set up the VINOTHEK in the old wine press house with the barrel cellar below. On offer: own products and over 400 specialties from all over the world.